Folklore Group JULIANA became active as an independent section within the Culture and Sports Association Hrušica in March 1994. Due to changed lifestyles, dance tradition has died away in recent times in Slovenia and it is only artificially revived in some places by folklore groups. With its performances home and abroad Folklore Group Juliana, too, strives to perform folk dances as faithfully as possible and thus prevent them from sinking into oblivion. The group performs at different events in its home municipality, Municipality of Jesenice, and at numerous events for tourists in the neighbouring municipalities of Kranjska Gora and Bled. It often collaborates also with other culture associations across Slovenia and participates at different etnographic events in neighbouring countries. The group has taken part at folklore festivals and events in Macedonia, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Turkey. For their performance at the international competitive folklore festival Ribnitz-Damgarten in 2004, the group was given first prize among folklore groups from seven countries by the audience and second prize by the jury. At the international folklore festival in Iznik, Turkey, in 2006 the group was chosen as the group with the most beautiful folklore costumes. Today the group has 4 musicians, who work under professional leadership of Stanko Sekardi, and 26 dancers (13 dance pairs) under the leadership of choreographer Sonja Kovač. All members of the folklore group share the love and passion for dancing, singing and spending time with cheerful people, while they at the same time feel satisfaction at contributing also to preservation of Slovenian folk traditions. Folklore Group Juliana can also be found on Facebook.